Duet3D FDM Anomaly Detection Research

Written by: Yasas Wijetilake Posted on: 2023-09-28

This project is a continuation of some of Duet3D's early work and was carried out by Yasas Wijetilake as a part of his master’s programme in AI & Robotics. This work has also been inspired by other research such as 1, 2, and 3. ...

A Scanning Z Probe for RepRapFirmware and Duet

Written by: David Crocker Posted on: 2023-07-01

Recently we saw the announcement of the Beacon scanning Z probe. Unlike traditional Z probes, it doesn’t have to be lowered at each probe point in order to measure the deviation from Z=0 at each probed point; instead the bed is scanned and the deviation is measured at a (potentially large) number of points. Does this offer significant advantages over traditional Z probes, such as BLTouch and (for delta printers) the Duet3D Smart Effector? The Beacon has a USB interface and is designed for use exclusively with Klipper firmware. Can we use the same technology with other firmwares – in particular RepRapFirmware – and at the same time reduce the cost? ...