Genuine Resellers

Duet3D conducts extensive research and development to produce our electronics and we share this by publishing the source for hardware, firmware and software. We hope this helps people to understand how our products work, to extend them and modify them to their needs and to contribute this work back to the community. For details of our open source licences please see:

To help us continue to fund continued research, development and product support of the Duet3D hardware, firmware and software we would appreciate if you purchased Duet3D products from one of our genuine resellers listed below or directly from us for larger volumes. Other than second-hand sales, products labelled Duet3D that are sold elsewhere are clones which are not supported by Duet3D.

United Kingdom America & Canada Europe Rest of World
E3D-Online Filastruder - USA Filafarm - Germany Aurarum - Australia
Ooznest Spool3D - Canada Compass DHM Projects - Italy Tinker3DP - India
Uni3DVerse Matterhackers - USA Indart - Spain AvalonTech - Japan
RepRap Ltd 3DMakerWorld - USA DOLD Mechatronik - Germany DREMC - Australia
Digitmakers - Canada Filament23D - Denmark
HartSmart Products - USA 3Dware - Switzerland Rav Meimad - Israel
3D Printing Canada - Canada 123-3d - Netherlands Metatech - Turkey
PrintedSolid - USA CR-3D - Germany
KB-3D - USA 3Dmensionals - Germany
DLLPDF - USA Filament23D - Denmark
RepRapPro.Me - Sweden
G28-Get Ready to Print - France
Formwerk SRL - Romania